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The Cyprians expelled and returned. Al-Walîd ibn-Yazîd ibn-ʿAbd-al-Malik expelled many of the Cyprians to Syria, because of a charge of suspicion brought against them. When the Moslems disapproved of the act, Yazîd ibn-al-Walîd ibn-ʿAbd-al-Malik returned them to their home. In the caliphate of ar-Rashîd, an invasion was led against them by Ḥumaid ibn-Maʿyûf al-Hamdâni because of a rebellion they had started; and many were carried off as prisoners. Later they behaved properly towards the Moslems; and, by ar-Rashîd's orders, their prisoners were returned.

The tax increased. Muḥammad ibn-Saʿd from al-Wâḳidi:—The terms between Muʿâwiyah and the Cyprians were kept in force until the time of ʿAbd-al-Malik ibn-Marwân who added 1,000 dînârs to their tax. That was the case until the caliphate of ʿUmar ibn-ʿAbd-al-ʿAzîz who cancelled the addition. When Hishâm ibn-ʿAbd-al-Malik, however, came to power, he restored it; and it was kept until the caliphate of abu-Jaʿfar al-Manṣûr, who expressed himself as follows: "We shall, above everyone else, do justice to them, and not enrich ourselves by oppressing them." Accordingly, he restored the terms made by Muʿâwiyah.

ʿAbd-al-Malik wants to annul the treaty. The following was communicated to me by certain Syrian scholars and abu-ʿUbaid al-Ḳâsim ibn-Sallâm:—During the governorship of ʿAbd-al-Malik ibn-Ṣâliḥ ibn-ʿAli ibn-ʿAbdallâh ibn-ʿAbbâs over the frontier cities [Ar. thughûr], the Cyprians started a rebellion; and he, therefore, desired to break the covenant made with them. The canonists were numerous, among whom were the following whose opinions he sought: al-Laith ibn-Saʿd, Mâlik ibn-Anas, Sufyân ibn-ʿUyainah, Mûsa ibn-Aʿyan, Ismâʿil ibn-ʿAiyâsh, Yaḥya ibn-Ḥamzah, abu-Isḥâḳ al-Fazâri, and Makhlad ibn-al-Ḥusain. They all answered him.