Jisr Manbij and its dependents, which he reduced on similar terms. ʿAin al-Wardah or Raʾs al-ʿAin[1] to which he came next held out against him; so he left it. He then came to Tall Mauzin[2] and took it on the same terms as ar-Ruha. That took place in the year 19. Against Ḳarḳîsiya, ʿIyâḍ directed Ḥabîb ibn-Maslamah-l-Fihri who took the city by a capitulation similar to that of ar-Raḳḳah. ʿIyâḍ captured Âmid without fighting and on terms similar to those of ar-Ruha. He captured Maiyâfâriḳîn on the same terms. He also reduced the fort of Kafartûtha.[3] After a conflict, he reduced Naṣîbîn and the terms concluded were similar to those of ar-Ruha. Ṭûr ʿAbdîn,[4] Ḥiṣn Mâridîn and Dâra[5] he took on the same terms. Ḳarda and Bâzabda he conquered on the same terms as those of Naṣîbîn. The patrician of az-Zawazân came to ʿIyâḍ and made terms regarding his lands, agreeing to pay tax. All that took place in the year 19 and in a part of Muḥarram, year 20. He then advanced to Arzan and took possession of it on terms similar to those of Naṣîbîn. He then passed through ad-Darb into Badlîs which he left for Khilâṭ with whose patrician he made terms. Finally, he got to al-ʿAin al-Ḥâmiḍah in Armenia beyond which he did not go. On his way back, he made the chief of Badlîs responsible for the kharâj of Khilâṭ with its poll-tax and what was due on its patrician. He then proceeded to ar-Raḳḳah, and on to Ḥimṣ whose governorship had been entrusted to him by ʿUmar. In the year 20, he died. ʿUmar after that appointed Saʿîd ibn-ʿÂmir ibn-Ḥidhyam, who died after a short time. ʿUmar