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The Conquest of Mesopotamia

Jisr Manbij and its dependents, which he reduced on similar terms. ʿAin al-Wardah or Raʾs al-ʿAin[1] to which he came next held out against him; so he left it. He then came to Tall Mauzin[2] and took it on the same terms as ar-Ruha. That took place in the year 19. Against Ḳarḳîsiya, ʿIyâḍ directed Ḥabîb ibn-Maslamah-l-Fihri who took the city by a capitulation similar to that of ar-Raḳḳah. ʿIyâḍ captured Âmid without fighting and on terms similar to those of ar-Ruha. He captured Maiyâfâriḳîn on the same terms. He also reduced the fort of Kafartûtha.[3] After a conflict, he reduced Naṣîbîn and the terms concluded were similar to those of ar-Ruha. Ṭûr ʿAbdîn,[4] Ḥiṣn Mâridîn and Dâra[5] he took on the same terms. Ḳarda and Bâzabda he conquered on the same terms as those of Naṣîbîn. The patrician of az-Zawazân came to ʿIyâḍ and made terms regarding his lands, agreeing to pay tax. All that took place in the year 19 and in a part of Muḥarram, year 20. He then advanced to Arzan and took possession of it on terms similar to those of Naṣîbîn. He then passed through ad-Darb into Badlîs which he left for Khilâṭ with whose patrician he made terms. Finally, he got to al-ʿAin al-Ḥâmiḍah in Armenia beyond which he did not go. On his way back, he made the chief of Badlîs responsible for the kharâj of Khilâṭ with its poll-tax and what was due on its patrician. He then proceeded to ar-Raḳḳah, and on to Ḥimṣ whose governorship had been entrusted to him by ʿUmar. In the year 20, he died. ʿUmar after that appointed Saʿîd ibn-ʿÂmir ibn-Ḥidhyam, who died after a short time. ʿUmar

  1. Hoffman, Syrische Akten Persischer Märtyrer, p. 183.
  2. Hoffman, op. cit., p. 224, note 1778.
  3. R. Payne Smith, op. cit., col. 1801.
  4. R. Payne Smith, op. cit., col. 1451.
  5. Hoffman, op. cit., p. 46.