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the Mesopotamian frontier towns, adding to each man's stipend ten dinârs, and giving to each a bounty of one hundred dinârs, in addition to the pay allotted to the different tribes. He stationed in the town the necessary garrison, assigned farms to the troops as fief and built the Ḳalûdhiyah fort.

Constantine desists from Jaiḥân. Constantine the "tyrant", at the head of an army of more than 100,000 men, came to Jaiḥân; but hearing of the great number of the Arabs, he desisted from it.

Naṣr ibn-Mâlik and Naṣr ibn-Saʿd accompany ʿAbd-al-Wahhâb. I heard it said that ʿAbd-al-Wahhâb was accompanied in the expedition mentioned above by Naṣr ibn-Mâlik al-Khuzâʿi and Naṣr ibn-Saʿd al-Kâtib, a freedman of al-Anṣâr. Hence the poet's words:

"Thou hadst on thy sides two Naṣrs: Naṣr ibn-Mâlik and Naṣr ibn- Saʿd,
may thy victory [Ar. naṣr] be unparallelled!"

Muḥammad ibn-Ibrâhîm goes against Malaṭyah. In the year 141, Muḥammad ibn-Ibrâhîm was sent to invade Malaṭyah at the head of an army from the people of Khurâsân, with al-Musaiyab ibn-Zuhair leading the choice men of the army. He posted a body of horsemen in Malaṭyah so that the enemy should not covet its possession. Those of its old inhabitants who survived returned to it.

Ar-Rashîd humiliates the Greeks. In the days of ar-Rashîd, the Greeks attempted the conquest of Malaṭyah but to no avail. Ar-Rashîd led an invasion, overcame and humiliated them.

Marʿash. When abu-ʿUbaidah ibn-al-Jarrâḥ was in Manbij, he sent Khâlid ibn-al-Walîd to the region of Marʿash[1] whose fort Khâlid seized on the condition that its

  1. Germanicia. Masʿûdi, vol. viii, p. 295; Ḥauḳal, p. 62.