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Jardamân, Kastasji,[1] Shaushit,[2] and Bâzalît,[3] which capitulated on the terms that the lives of the inhabitants be spared, that places of worship and their walls be not molested and that they pay annual tribute on their lands and persons. The people of Ḳalarjît, Tharyâlît,[4] Khâkhîṭ,[5] Khûkhîṭ,[6] Arṭahâl,[7] and Bâb al-Lâl[8] also made terms with Ḥabîb. Aṣ-Ṣanârîyah and ad-Dûdânîyah made terms, agreeing to pay an annual tax.

Al-Bailaḳân. By order of ʿUthmân, Salmân ibn-Rabîʿah-l-Bâhili proceeded to Arrân. Here he conquered the city of al-Bailaḳân which capitulated on terms stipulating that he guarantee the safety of their lives, possessions and city walls, and that they pay poll-tax and kharâj.

Bardhaʿah and other places. Thence Salmân advanced to Bardhaʿah and camped on ath-Thurthûr[9] river which flows at a distance of less than one parasang from the city. The inhabitants closed their city gates against him; and he made an attempt on it for many days, making raids on its villages. It was the time for reaping the harvest. At last, its people made terms similar to those of al-Bailaḳân and opened their gates. Thus he made his entrance and occupied the city. Salmân then sent his cavalry which conquered Shifshîn, al-Misfawân, Ûdh, al-Miṣryân,[10] al-Hur-

  1. Brosset, vol. i, p. 512.
  2. St. Martin: "Schauscheth"; cf. Ḳazwîni, vol. ii, p. 413, line 20.
  3. Brosset, vol. i, pp. 45, 86.
  4. "Thrialeth," Brosset, vol. i, pp. 248, 285.
  5. "Kakheth" in Brosset, l. l.
  6. "Kukhet," Brosset, vol. i, pp. 315, 349; St. Martin, vol. ii, p. 198.
  7. Brosset, vol. i, p. 39.
  8. St. Martin, vol. ii, p. 227.
  9. St. Martin, vol. i, p. 87.
  10. Text not clear.