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The Conquest of Armenia

al-Ḥakami of Madhḥij became governor of Armenia, he stopped at Bardhaʿah where his attention was called to the different measures and weights used by the people and which he fixed according to the standards of justice and honesty introducing a new measure, called al-Jarrâḥi, with which they deal until to-day. After crossing al-Kurr,[1] he marched until he went over the river known by the name of as-Samûr and came to al-Khazar, among whom he wrought a great slaughter. He also fought against the inhabitants of the land of Ḥamzîn[2] and made terms with them stipulating that they be transplanted to the district of Khaizân where he gave them two villages. He then attacked the people of Ghûmîk[3] and captured some of them. Turning back, he came to Shakka, and his army spent the winter at Bardhaʿah and al-Bailaḳân. Al-Khazar assembled their troops and crossed ar-Rass.[4] He fought against them in Ṣaḥrâʾ [desert] Warthân, and when they withdrew to the region of Ardabîl[5] he engaged them in battle at a distance of four parasangs from Armenia. After a three days' battle, he suffered martyrdom together with his men, and therefore was the river called Nahr al-Jarrâḥ. A bridge spanning it also bore the same name.

Maslamah as governor. Hishâm ibn-ʿAbd-al-Malik after that appointed Maslamah ibn-ʿAbd-al-Malik to the governorship of Armenia, put at the head of the van of his [Maslamah's] army Saʿîd ibn-ʿAmr ibn-Aswad al-Jurashi, and accompanied him by Isḥâḳ ibn-Muslim al-ʿUḳaili with his brothers, Jaʿwanah ibn-al-Ḥârith ibn-Khâlid of the banu-

  1. Iṣṭakhri, p. 187.
  2. "Ḥamrîn," Maḥâsin. vol. i, p. 318.
  3. "Ghumîk," Iṣṭakhri, p. 185; cf. Masʿûdi, vol. ii, p. 40; "ʿAmîk" in Yâḳût, vol. i, p. 438.
  4. Iṣṭakhri, p. 187; Yâḳût, vol. ii, p. 779.
  5. Meynard, pp. 21–22.