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The Conquest of Armenia

shirwân- had conducted into their cistern, and slew on it cows and sheep throwing the contents of their stomachs and some assafœtida into the water. It did not take the water more than one night before it bred worms, became vitiated and corrupted. Therefore, the holders of the castle fled under the cover of the night and vacated the castle. In the city of al-Bâb wa-l-Abwâb, 24,000 Syrians were settled by Maslamah ibn-ʿAbd-al-Malik and assigned stipends. Accordingly, the inhabitants of al-Bâb to-day do not allow any ʿâmil to enter their city unless he has money to distribute among them. He, moreover, built a granary for food, another for barley, and an armory. He ordered that the cistern be filled with earth, repaired the city, and provided it with embattlements. In the company of Maslamah was Marwân ibn-Muḥammad who took part in the attack against al-Khazar and distinguished himself in fighting. After Maslamah, Hishâm appointed Saʿîd al-Jurashi who spent two years in the frontier region.

Marwân as governor. Marwân ibn-Muḥammad[1] then became the ruler of the frontier and took up his abode at Kisâl. Marwân was the one who built the city of Kisâl. This city lies 40 parasangs from Bardhaʿah and 20 from Taflîs. Marwân then entered the country of al-Khazar next to Bâb al-Lân and made Asîd[2] ibn-Zâfir as-Sulami abu-Yazîd, accompanied by the kings of al-Jibâl, enter it from the side of al-Bâb wa-l-Abwâb. Then Marwân made an incursion on the Slavs who were in the land of al-Khazar and captured 20,000 families whom he settled in Khâkhîṭ. When they later put their commander to death and took to flight, Marwân pursued and slaughtered them.

When the chief of al-Khazar learned of the great num-

  1. Brosset, vol. i, pp. 238 seq.
  2. "Usaid" in Duraid, p. 187, line before last.