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The Conquest of Egypt and al-Maghrib

Cairo] for himself [ikhtaṭṭa] and built a well-known mansion in which ʿAbdallâh ibn-az-Zubair resided when he invaded Ifrîḳiyah[1] in the company of ibn-abi-Sarḥ. The ladder which az-Zubair used is still in Miṣr.

ʿAffân ibn-Muslim from Hishâm ibn-ʿUrwah:—Az-Zubair was sent to Miṣr; and when he was told there were in it warfare and pest, he replied, "We have come here only for warfare and pest." The Moslems put ladders up and climbed on them.

ʿAmr an-Nâḳid from Yazîd ibn-abi-Ḥabîb:—ʿAmr ibn-al-ʿÂṣi entered Egypt with 3,500 men. When ʿUmar ibn-al-Khaṭṭâb heard about the situation in Egypt, he was affected with solicitude and fear and despatched az-Zubair ibn-al-ʿAuwâm at the head of 12,000 men. Az-Zubair took part in the conquest of Miṣr and marked out in it certain lots.[2]

The division of the land. ʿAmr an-Nâḳid from Sufyân ibn-Wahb al-Khaulâni:—When we conquered Miṣr without making a covenant with it, az-Zubair rose and said to ʿAmr, "Divide it"; but ʿAmr refused. Then az-Zubair said, "By Allah, thou shouldst divide it as the Prophet divided Khaibar." ʿAmr wrote that to ʿUmar who wrote back, saying, "Leave it as it is, so that the descendants of the descendants[3] may profit by it."

A tradition to the same effect was communicated to me by ʿAbdallâh ibn-Wahb on the authority of Sufyân ibn-Wahb.

ʿAmr and az-Zubair conquer Egypt. Al-Ḳâsim ibn-Sallâm from Yazîd ibn-abi-Ḥabîb:—ʿAmr ibn-al-ʿÂṣi entered

  1. Africa == Tunis. Ibn-ʿAdhâri, al-Bayân al-Mughrib, vol. i, pp. 3 seq.
  2. Ar. khiṭaṭ. See Maḳrîzi, vol. ii, pp. 76 seq.
  3. Ar. ḥabal al-ḥabalah. See Muṭarrizi, p. 105 ; Caetani, vol. iv, p. 247; Maḳrizi, vol. ii, p. 72, line 23; p. 73, line 25; an-Nihâyah, vol. i, p. 198.