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The Conquest of Ifrîḳiyah

Islamic times by Ifrîḳîs ibn-Ḳais ibn-Ṣaifi-l-Ḥimyari and was named after him. He killed Jurjîr[1] [Gregory] its king and said regarding the Berbers, "How barbarous they are!" Hence the name, Berbers.

Al-Ḳairawân. According to a tradition communicated to me by certain inhabitants of Ifrîḳiyah on the authority of their sheikhs, when ʿUḳbah ibn-Nâfiʿ al-Fihri wanted to build al-Ḳairawân,[2] he began to think regarding the site of the mosque, and he saw in a dream as if a man called to prayer at a certain spot where he later erected the minaret. When he awoke, he started to erect the boundary marks where he had seen the man stand, after which he built the mosque.

Muḥammad ibn-Saʿd from al-Wâḳidi:—Muḥammad ibn-al-Ashʿath al-Khuzâʿfi ruled over Ifrîḳiyah in the name of abu-l-ʿAbbâs "the Commander of the Believers", and repaired the city of al-Ḳairawan with its mosque. He was later dismissed by al-Manṣûr, who assigned ʿUmar ibn-Ḥafṣ Hizârmard[3] in his place.

  1. Cf. ʿAdhâri, vol. i, pp. 5–6.
  2. Iṣṭakhri, pp. 39–40.
  3. ʿAdhâri, vol. i, p. 64. "ʿAmr ibn-Ḥafṣ ibn-Ḳabîṣah."