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of the Persians, set out against him and Khâlid sent ahead al-Muthanna ibn-Ḥârithah ash-Shaibâni who met Jabân at Nahr ad-Damm [sanguine canal]. Khâlid made terms with the inhabitants of Ullais, stipulating that they act as spies, guides and helpers to the Moslems against the Persians.

Khâlid in al-Ḥîrah. Khâlid then proceeded to Mujtamaʿ al-Anhâr[1] [confluence of canals], where he was met by Azâdhbih, the holder of the frontier fortifications of Kisra that lay between the Persian and the Arab territories. The Moslems fought against him and defeated him. Then Khalid came and stopped at Khaffân. Others say he proceeded directly to al-Ḥîrah, where he was met by ʿAbd-al-Masîḥ ibn-ʿAmr ibn-Ḳais ibn-Ḥaiyân ibn-Buḳailah[2] (Buḳailah's proper name being al-Ḥârith) of the Azd, Hâniʾ ibn-Ḳabîṣah ibn-Masʿûd ash-Shaibâni and Iyâs ibn-Ḳabîṣah at-Ṭâʾi (others say Farwah ibn-Iyâs), Iyâs being the ʿâmil of Kisra Abarwîz over al-Ḥîrah after an-Nu'man ibn-al-Mundhir. These men made terms with Khâlid, stipulating that they pay 100,000 dirhams per year, others say 80,000 per year, that they act as spies for the Moslems against the Persians, and that Khalid would not destroy any of their churches or citadels.

It was reported by abu-Mikhnaf , on the authority of abu-l-Muthannah-l-Walîd ibn-al-Ḳaṭâmi, who is the same as ash-Sharḳi ibn-al-Ḳaṭâmi-l-Kalbi, that ʿAbd-al-Masiḥ, who was an aged man, appeared before Khâlid who asked him, "Where dost thou come from, old man?" And he replied, "From my father's back."—"What didst thou come out from?"—"From my mother's womb."—"Woe unto thee! Where aft thou now?"—"In my clothes."—"Woe

  1. Wellhausen, Skizzen, vol. vi, p. 42 ; Caetani, vol. ii, p. 937.
  2. Duraid, p. 285; Ṭabari, vol. i, p. 2019; Masʿûdi, vol. i, p. 217.