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ʿAmr ibn-Ḥammâd ibn-abi-Ḥanîfah from ʿAbdallah ibn-abi-Bakr ibn-Muḥammad ibn-ʿAmr ibn-Ḥazm al-Anṣâri's father:—The Prophet decreed in the case of Mahzûr torrent and Mudhainîb[1] that the water be shut in until it reaches the two ankles, then the upper supplies the lower. According to Mâlik, the Prophet passed a similar judgment in the case of Baṭiḥân torrent.

Al-Ḥusain ibn-al-Aswad al-ʿIjli from abu-Mâlik ibn-Thaʿlabah ibn-abi-Mâlik's father:—The Prophet was called upon to decide in the case of Mahzûr, the valley of banu-Ḳuraiẓah, upon which he decreed that water rising above the two ankles cannot be shut in by the higher owner from the lower owner.

Al-Ḥusain from Jaʿfar ibn-Muḥammad's father:—The Prophet decreed in the case of Mahzûr torrent that the owners of palm trees have right to the ankle-high water, sowers have right to the water as high as the two straps of the sandal, after which the water is sent to the lower owners.

Ḥafs ibn-ʿUmar ad-Dûri from ʿUrwah:—The Prophet said: "Baṭiḥân is one of the channels of Paradise."

ʿAli ibn-Muḥammad al-Madâʾini abu-l-Ḥasan from Juʿdubah and others:—In the caliphate of ʿUthmân, al-Madînah was threatened with destruction by the Mahzûr torrent, which necessitated the erection of a dam by ʿUthmân. Abu-l-Ḥasan added that in the year 156 the torrent brought a terrifying volume of water. The governor at that time. ʿAbd-aṣ-Ṣamad ibn-ʿAli ibn-ʿAbdallâh ibn-al-ʿAbbâs, sent ʿUbaidallâh ibn-abi-Salamah-l-ʿUmri who, with a big crowd, started after the afternoon prayer to see the torrent which had, by that time, covered the ṣadaḳah-lands[2] of the Prophet. An old woman from al-ʿÂliyah-

  1. "Mudhainib" in al-Bakri, pp. 518, 562.
  2. Mawardi, al-Aḥkâm as-Sulṭânîyah, p. 292. Ṣadaḳah is a portion which a man gives from his property to the poor by way of propitiation. It is primarily superogatory, whereas zakât is obligatory.