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Al-Ḥusain from ash-Shaʿbi:—The latter was asked whether the people of as-Sawâd had a covenant, to which he replied, "At first, they had none; but when the Moslems consented to take kharâj from them, then they came to have one."

Al-Ḥusain from ʿÂmir:—The latter said, "The people of as-Sawâd have no covenant."

The Magians. ʿAmr an-Nâḳid from Jaʿfar ibn-Muḥammad's father:—The Emigrants had a sitting place in the mosque in which ʿUmar used to discuss with them the news he received from the different regions. One day he said, "I know not how to treat the Magians;" upon which ʿAbd-ar-Raḥmân ibn-ʿAuf rose and said, "I bear witness that the Prophet said, 'Treat them according to the same law with which ye treat the People of the Book'."

The Bajîlah's share in as-Sawâd. Muḥammad ibn-aṣ-Ṣabbâḥ al-Bazzâz from Ḳais ibn-abi-Ḥâzim:—The Bajîlah tribe constituted one-fourth of the Moslems in the battle of al-Ḳâdisîyah, and ʿUmar had allotted them one-fourth of as-Sawâd. Once when Jarîr [ibn-ʿAbdallâh] called on ʿUmar, the latter said, "Had I not been responsible for what I divide, I would leave to you the share already given; but I see that the Moslems have multiplied, so ye have to restore what ye have taken." Jarîr and the others did as ʿUmar said; and ʿUmar offered Jarîr a present of 80 dînârs.[1]

A woman of the tribe of Bajîlah, called umm-Kurz, came to ʿUmar and said, "My father died and his share in as-Sawâd holds good. I shall never deliver it!" ʿUmar turned to her and said, "But, umm-Kurz, thy people have all consented to do so." "I shall never consent," said she, "unless thou carry me on a submissive she-camel covered with

  1. Yûsuf, p. 18.