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The Battle of Jalûlâʾ

fîzes (palm trees not mentioned). On every man, he assessed 48, 24, or 12 dirhams as poll-tax.

Al-Ḳâsim ibn-Sallâm from abu-Mijlaz Lâḥik ibn-Ḥumaid:—ʿUmar ibn-al-Khaṭṭâb assigned ʿAmmâr ibn-Yâsir to act as religious head[1] for the people of al-Kûfah and to command their militia, ʿAbdallâh ibn-Masʿûd to be their ḳâḍi and treasurer, and ʿUthmân ibn-Ḥunaif to measure the land. To these three, he assigned each day one goat, one-half of which, together with the appendages[2] to be taken by ʿAmmâr and the other half to be divided between the other two. ʿUthmân ibn-Ḥunaif measured the land and assessed on each jarîb of palm trees, 10 dirhams; of vine trees, 10 dirhams; of sugar-cane, 6 dirhams; of wheat, 4 dirhams; and of barley, 2 dirhams. To this end, he wrote to ʿUmar, who endorsed the assessments.

Al-Ḥusain ibn-al-Aswad from ʿAmr ibn-Maimûn:—ʿUmar ibn-al-Khaṭṭâb sent Ḥudhaifah ibn-al-Yamân beyond the Tigris, and ʿUthmân ibn-Ḥunaif below the Tigris; and they assessed on every jarîb one ḳafîz and one dirham.

Al-Ḥusain from Muḥammad ibn-ʿAbdallâh ath-Thaḳafi:—When al-Mughîrab ibn-Shuʿbah was governor of as-Sawâd, he wrote, "We find here other products than wheat and barley," and mentioned Indian peas, grapes, clover[3] and sesame, upon each of which he assessed 8 dirhams and excluded palm-trees.[4]

Khalaf al-Bazzâr from al-ʿAizâr ibn-Ḥuraith:—ʿUmar ibn-al-Khaṭṭâb assessed on one jarîb of wheat two dirhams and two jarîbs; on one jarîb of barley, one dirham, and

  1. Ar. âla aṣ-ṣalâh; Caetani, vol. iii, p. 756, translates: "l'autorità civile."
  2. Ar. sawâḳit. Yûsuf , p. 20: "baṭn" == belly.
  3. Ar. raṭbah or ruṭbah may also be applied to cucumber, melon and the like; see Caetani, vol. v, pp. 370 and 371; Yûsuf, pp. 20–22.
  4. Cf. Âdam, p. 98.