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The Battle of Jalûlâʾ

thickly or thinly sown one dirham; and on barley, one-half of that. He also ordered me to assess on the gardens that include palm-trees and other kinds, 10 dirhams per jarîb; on one jarîb of vine-trees, if its trees had been planted for three full years and a part of the fourth, and if it bears fruit, ten dirhams, with nothing on palm-trees that are outside the villages and the fruits of which are eaten by the passers-by. On vegetables, including cucumbers, grains, sesame and cotton, he ordered me not to assess anything. On those landlords [dihḳâns] who ride mules and wear rings of gold around their feet, he ordered me to assess 48 dirhams each; and on those of them who are merchants of medium means, 24 dirhams per annum each; but on the farmers and the rest of them, 12 dirhams each."

Ḥumaid ibn-ar-Rabîʿ from al-Ḥasan ibn-Ṣâliḥ:—The latter said, "I asked al-Ḥasan, 'What are those different rates of assessed land-tax [ṭasḳ]?' And he replied, 'They, one after the other, have been assessed according to the nearness and distance of the land from the markets[1] and the drinking places in the river [furaḍ].' Yaḥya ibn-Âdam says, 'The Moslems of as-Sawâd asked al-Manṣûr towards the end of his caliphate to introduce the system by which they turn over to the authorities as tax a part of the produce of the land;[2] but he died before the system was introduced. Later, by al-Mahdi's orders, the system was introduced in all places with the exception of ʿAḳabat Ḥulwân.'"

  1. Mâwardi, p. 306, l. 12.
  2. Ar. muḳâsamah, as contrasted with misâḥah, is the system of land tenure by which the kharâj is levied on the produce and not the area, and is from one-tenth to one-half of the produce of the lands. Cf. Mâwardi, p. 260; De Goeje's Balâdhuri "Glossarium ", pp. 86–87; ibn-Ṭiḳṭaḳa, p. 215, l. 16, p. 260, l. 5; Berchem, La Propriété Territoriale, p. 45.