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ʿUmar appoints ʿAmmâr and then al-Mughîrah. At last, ʿUmar dismissed Saʿd and appointed ʿAmmâr ibn-Yâsir. A complaint was made against ʿAmmâr to the effect that he was weak and knew nothing about politics. He was therefore dismissed after holding the office of governor over al-Kûfah for one year and nine months. In this connection, ʿUmar remarked, "What am I to do with the people of al-Kûfah? If I appoint a strong man over them, they attribute transgression to him; and if a weak man, they despise him."[1] Calling al-Mughîrah ibn-Shuʿbah, he asked him, "Wouldst thou commit again what thou didst once commit, if I should assign thee over al-Kûfah?" And al-Mughîrah answered, "No." Al-Mughîrah went to al-Madînah, after the conquest of al-Kâdisîyah, and was appointed by ʿUmar over al-Kûfah, which position he held until ʿUmar's death.

Saʿd, then al-Walîd, then Saʿîd as governors. Then came ʿUthmân ibn-ʿAffân and appointed over al-Kûfah Saʿd; but later dismissed him and appointed al-Walîd ibn-ʿUḳbah ibn-abi-Muʿaiṭ ibn-abi-ʿAmr ibn-Umaiyah. When al-Walîd visited Saʿd, the latter said, "Either thou hast become intelligent after me, or I have become foolish after thee." Al-Walîd was later dismissed and Saʿîd ibn-al-Âṣi ibn-Saʿîd ibn-al-Âṣi ibn-Umaiyah was nominated to his place.

Persians unite with the Arabs. Abu-Masʿûd al-Kûfi from Misʿar ibn-Kidâm:—In the battle of al-Ḳâdisîyah, Rustam led 4,000 men called Jund [army] Shahânshâh, who asked for peace provided they be allowed to settle wherever they wanted, be confederates with whomever they wanted and receive soldiers' stipends. Their request having been granted, they united in a confederacy with Zuhrah

  1. ʿIḳd, vol. iii, p. 360; Hamadhâni, p. 184; Ḳazwini, Âthâr al-Bilâd, p. 167.