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ad-Dînawar, Mâsabadhân and Mihrijânḳadhaf

vided the inhabitants paid poll-tax and kharâj on the land. As-Sâʾib reduced all the districts of Mihrijânḳadhaf. The more reliable report is that abu-Mûsa dispatched as-Sâʾib from al-Ahwâz; and the latter reduced Mihrijânḳadhaf.

Sinn Sumairah. Muḥammad ibn-ʿUḳbah ibn-Muṣrim[1] aḍ-Ḍabbi from certain sheikhs of al-Kûufah:—When the Moslems invaded al-Jibâl, they passed by the eastern summit called Sinn Sumairah, Sumairah being a woman of the Ḍabbah [a branch] of the banu-Muʿâwiyah ibn-Kaʿb ibn-Thaʿlabah ibn-Saʿd ibn-Ḍabbah and one of the Emigrants. Sumairah had a tooth [sinn protruding beyond the others];[2] hence the name of the peak Sinn Sumairah.

Ḳanâṭir an-Nuʿmân. Ḳanâṭir [arches] an-Nuʿmân, according to ibn-Hishâm al-Kalbi, were named after an-Nuʿmân ibn-ʿAmr ibn-Muḳarrin al-Muzani, who camped by these Ḳanâṭir, which had been standing from ancient time.

Kathîr ibn-Shihâb. Al-ʿAbbâs ibn-Hishâm al-Kalbi from ʿAwânah:—Kathîr ibn-Shihâb ibn-al-Ḥuṣain ibn-dhi-l-Ghuṣṣah-l-Ḥârithi belonged to the ʿUthmân party and often spoke evil of ʿAli ibn-abi-Ṭâlib, and dissuaded men from following al-Ḥusain. He died either before or at the beginning of the rebellion of al-Mukhtâr ibn-abi-ʿUbaid. Al-Mukhtâr ibn-abi-ʿUbaid referred to him when he said: "By the Lord of heavens, the severe in punishment, the revealer of the Book, I shall surely dig the grave of Kathîr ibn-Shihâb, the transgressor, the liar." Muʿâwiyah gave him for some time the governorship of ar-Rai and Dastaba, which he held on behalf of Muʿâwiyah and his two ʿâmils, Ziyâd and al-Mughîrah ibn-Shuʿbah. After that, he incurred Muʿâwiyah's anger and was flogged and imprisoned by him in

  1. Cf. Maḥâsin, vol. i, p. 700, and Ṭabari, vol. i, p. 2458: "ʿUḳbah ibn-Mukram".
  2. Ṭabari, vol. i, p. 2648.