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Prophet and to no one else. The Prophet then parcelled out the land among the Emigrants. But when Sahl ibn-Ḥunaif and abu-Dujânah mentioned their poverty, he gave them a share. As for the text: "The spoil taken from the people of the villages and assigned by Allah to his Messenger, it belongeth to Allah and to the Messenger," etc., to the end of the text, it means that Allah made another division among the Moslems.

According to a tradition I received from Muḥammad ibn-Hâtim as-Samîn on the authority of ibn-ʿUmar, the Prophet burnt and cut down the palm-trees of the banu-an-Naḍîr in reference to which Ḥassân ibn-Thâbit says:

"The leading men of the banu-Luʾai would have regarded it easy, to bring about the great fire at Buwairah."[1]

According to ibn-Juraij, it was in this connection that Allah revealed the text: "Whatever palm-trees ye have cut down or left standing on their stems was by Allah's permission and to put the wicked to shame."

A similar tradition was communicated to us by abu-ʿUbaid on the authority of ibn-ʿUmar.

Abu-ʿAmr ash-Shaibâni, among other reporters, holds that the above-quoted verse was composed by abu-Sufyân ibn-al-Ḥârith ibn-ʿAbd-al-Muṭṭalib and that its wording is as follows:

"The leading men of the banu-Luʾai would have regarded it hard, to bring about the great conflagration of Buwairah."

(According to other reports it is Buwailah [and not Buwairah]).[2] Ḥassân ibn-Thâbit in answer to that wrote the following:

  1. Al-Bakri, under Buwairah; Ibn-Hishâm, pp. 712–713.
  2. Yâḳût, vol. i, p. 765.