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my husband, father and brother. But he kept on saying, 'Thy father excited the Arabs to unite against me and he did this and that,' until all hatred was gone away from me."

The Prophet used to give annually each of his wives 80 camel-loads of dates and 80 loads of barley from Khaibar.

ʿUmar divides Khaibar. It was stated by Nâfiʿ that during the caliphate of ʿUmar ibn-al-Khaṭṭâb, the people of Khaibar mistreated the Moslems and deceived them and broke the hands of the son of ʿUmar[1] by hurling him from the roof of a house. Consequently, ʿUmar divided the land among those of the people of Ḥudaibiyah who had taken part in the battle of Khaibar.

The forts of Khaibar. Al-Ḥusain ibn-al-Aswad from ʿAbdallâh ibn-abi-Bakr ibn-Muḥammad ibn-ʿAmr ibn-Ḥazm:—The Prophet besieged the people of Khaibar in their two fortresses—al-Waṭîḥ and Sulâlim. When they felt that their destruction was sure, they requested the Prophet to let them off and spare their lives. This he did. The Prophet had already taken possession of all their property[2] including ash-Shiḳḳ, an-Natât and al-Katîbah together with all their forts except what was in the above-mentioned two.

".Speedy victory." The following tradition regarding the text:[3] "And rewarded them with a speedy victory" was transmitted by al-Ḥusain ibn-al-Aswad on the authority of ʿAbd-ar-Raḥmân ibn-abi-Laila:—Khaibar and another are meant who could not be subdued by the Persians and Greeks.

The division of Khaibar. ʿAmr an-Naḳîd from Bushair ibn-Yasâr:—The Prophet divided Khaibar into thirty-six shares and each share into a hundred lots. One-half of the shares he reserved for himself to be used in case of

  1. Hishâm, p. 780.
  2. Six fortresses mentioned by Yaʿḳûbi, vol. ii, p. 56.
  3. Kor., 48: 18.