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The Prophet gives his share. Al-Walîd ibn-Ṣâliḥ from al-Waḳidi's sheikhs:—The Prophet assigned his share in Khaibar as a means of subsistence, bestowing on each one of his wives 80 camel-loads of dates and 20 loads of barley; on his uncle al-ʿAbbas ibn-ʿAbd-al-Muṭṭalib 200 loads; and on abu-Bakr, ʿUmar, al-Ḥassân, al-Ḥusain and others including the banu-al-Muṭṭalib ibn-ʿAbd-Manâf a certain number of loads. To this end, he drew up for them a document.

Al-Walîd from Aflaḥ ibn-Ḥumaid's father who said:—"I was made by ʿUmar ibn-ʿAbd-al-ʿAzîz governor of al-Karibah; and we used to give the heirs of the recipients of the Prophet's bestowals their due, those heirs being numbered and recorded by us.

ʿUmar divides Khaibar. Muḥammad ibn-Ḥâtim as-Samîn from Nâfiʿ:—The Prophet turned Khaibar over to the hands of its people on condition that they give him one-half of the produce. Thus they held it during the life of the Prophet, abu-Bakr and the early part of the caliphate of ʿUmar. Then ʿAbdallâh ibn-ʿUmar visited them for some purpose and they attacked him in the night. He [ʿUmar], therefore, turned them out of Khaibar and divided it among those of the Moslems who were present [in its battle] giving a share to the Prophet's wives. To the latter he said, "Whichever of you likes to have the fruit can have it, and whichever likes the estate can have it, and whatever ye choose will be yours and your heirs' after you."

Al-Ḥusain ibn-al-Aswad from ibn-ʿAbbâs:—Khaibar was divided into 1580 shares. The Moslems were 1580 men, of whom 1540 had taken part in the battle of al-Ḥudaibiyah and forty were with Jaʿfar ibn-abi-Ṭâlib in Abyssinia.

The fief of az-Zubair. Al-Ḥusain ibn-al-Aswad from ibn-ʿUrwah's father:—The Prophet gave as fief to az-Zubair lands in Khaibar planted with palm- and other trees.