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silver, neither this nor that." " But," said she, "thou hast inherited our share in Khaibar and our ṣadaḳah in Fadak." To this abu-Bakr replied, "Daughter of Allah's Prophet, I heard Allah's Prophet say, 'This is but something assigned by Allah as a means of subsistence to use during my life; on my death it should be turned over to the Moslems.'"

ʿUthmân ibn-abi-Shaibah from Mughîrah:—ʿUmar ibn-ʿAbd-al-ʿAzîz once summoned the banu-Umaiyah and addressed them saying: "Fadak belonged to the Prophet and by the income from it he met his own expenses, supplied the needy among the banu-Hâshim and helped the unmarried among them to marry. Fâṭimah asked him to bestow it on her, but he refused. After the Prophet's death, abu-Bakr used it in the same way. And so did ʿUmar when he became caliph. And now I am going to put it back to its original use; and ye will be my witnesses."

Ḳura ʿArabîyah. The following tradition was transmitted to us by Suraij ibn-Yûnus from az-Zuhri in explanation of the text, "Against which ye pressed not with horse or camel":[1]—The places referred to are Ḳura ʿArabîyah[2] that belong to the Prophet, i. e., Fadak, and this and that.

ʿUmar expels the Jews of Fadak. Abu-ʿUbaid from az-Zuhri or someone else:—ʿUmar expelled the Jews of Khaibar and they evacuated the place. As for the Jews of Fadak, they retained half the fruits [produced] and half the soil, in accordance with the conditions on which they made terms with the Prophet. ʿUmar paid them the price of half the products and half the soil in gold, silver and pack-saddles, and then expelled them.

The khuṭbah of ʿUmar ibn-ʿAbd-al-ʿAzîz. ʿAmr an-Nâḳid from abu-Burḳân:—The following is taken from the

  1. Kor., 59: 6.
  2. Bakri, pp. 657–658; Wâḳidi, Maghâzi, p. 374.