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"O Lord, I am seeking from Muḥammad
the hereditary alliance between our father and his.
Reinforce therefore, with Allah's guidance, a mighty victory,
and summon the worshippers of Allah, and they will come for help."[1]

Ḥammâd states on the authority of ʿIkrimah that Khuzâʿah called the Prophet as he was washing himself, and the Prophet replied, "Here I am!"

According to al-Wâḳidi among others, a band of Ḳuraish took up arms on the day of the conquest [of Makkah] saying, "Never shall Muḥammad enter the city except by force." Accordingly, Khâlid ibn-al-Walîd led the fight against them and was the first to receive the order of the Prophet to enter.[2] So he killed twenty-four men from [the tribe of] Ḳuraish and four from [the tribe of] Hudhail. Others state that twenty-three men from Ḳuraish were killed on that day and the rest took to flight seeking refuge in the mountain heights which they climbed. Of the Companions of the Prophet, Kurz ibn-Jâbir al-Fihri, and Khâlid al-Ashʿar al-Kaʿbi suffered martyrdom on that day. According to Hishâm ibn-al-Kalbi, however, the latter of the martyrs was Ḥubaish al-Ashʿar ibn-Khâlid al-Kaʿbi[3] of the tribe of Khuzâʿah.

Abu-Hurairah describes the conquest. Shaibân ibn-abi-Shaibah-l-Ubulli from ʿAbdallâh ibn-Rabâḥ:—A number of deputations came to call on Muʿâwiyah. It was in Ramaḍân, and we used to prepare food for one another. Abu-Hurairah was one of those who often invited us to his dwelling-place. I [ibn-Rabâḥ] therefore prepared a meal and invited them. Then abu-Hurairah asked, " Shall I, O Anṣâr, amuse you with a narrative concerning you?" and

  1. Ṭabari, vol. i, pp. 1621–1622.
  2. Fâkihi, p. 153, seq.
  3. "Khunais ibn-Khâlid" in Hishâm, p. 817.