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Page:Balaustion's adventure- including a transcript from Euripides (IA balaustionsadven01brow).pdf/14

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The glad prow westward, soon were out at sea,Pushing, brave ship with the vermilion cheek,Proud for our heart's true harbour. But a windLay ambushed by Point Malea of bad fame,And leapt out, bent us from our course. Next dayBroke stormless, and so next blue day and next."But whither bound in this white waste?" We plaguedThe pilot's old experience: "Cos or Crete?"Because he promised us the land ahead.While we strained eyes to share in what he saw,The Captain's shout startled us; round we rushed:What hung behind us but a pirate-shipPanting for the good prize! "Row! harder row!Row for dear life!" the Captain cried: "'t is Crete, 60Friendly Crete looming large there! Beat this craftThat's but a keles, one-benched pirate-bark,Lokrian, or that bad breed off Thessaly!Only, so cruel are such water-thieves,