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Page:Balaustion's adventure- including a transcript from Euripides (IA balaustionsadven01brow).pdf/36

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To the chasm, indeed, but elsewhere known enough,Among the shadows and the silencesAbove i' the sky: so, each antagonistSilently faced his fellow and forbore,Till Death shrilled, hard and quick, in spite and fear:
"Ha, ha, and what may'st thou do at the domes,Why hauntest here, thou Phoibos? Here againAt the old injustice, limiting our rights,Baulking of honour due us Gods o' the grave?Was 't not enough for thee to have delayedDeath from Admetos,—with thy crafty artCheating the very Fates,—but thou must armThe bow-hand and take station, press 'twixt meAnd Pelias' daughter, who then saved her spouse,—Did just that, now thou comest to undo,—Taking his place to die, Alkestis here?