Page:Ballads of battle (IA balladsofbattle00leejiala).pdf/45

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"Finished!" he said, and closed his eyes,
As he had closed those of the dead;
And twice he snored, as one who tries
To breathe through blood: "Finished!" he said.
A soldier's cross stood in the corn,
A simple cross as one might see:
Bethought me of that other morn
That broke o'er barren Calvary.

And of the word the Christ had cried
When His long agony was done:
The "It is finished!" when He died
And His redeeming work begun.

And of the kings have warred and reigned,
Since Jesu died, the King of Men,
And of the blood that earth hath stained,
And of the streams must flow again.

And in the soldier's sacrifice,
I saw the Christ's in its degree:
A sinful life—let it suffice,
He laid it down for you and me.