Page:Ballads of battle (IA balladsofbattle00leejiala).pdf/69

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Barabbas is released unto the World;
The thieves—the thieves are unrepentant both
With swords and staves
A crowd of knaves
Come forth with jest and oath.

Again the brutal soldiery cast lots;
The earth is rent with wrath, and rack, and rue,
Comes like a sigh
That lonely cry:
"They know not what they do!"

Thou Kaiser, who hast crucified thy Christ;
Judas, Pilatus, Peter—three in one!
Who shall it be
Shall say to thee:
Servant, thy work well done?

For thirty pieces Judas sold his Lord,
And Peter but denied his Master thrice;
And Pilate stands
With washen hands—
Princeling, what was thy price?