Page:Ballads of battle (IA balladsofbattle00leejiala).pdf/83

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"For I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

I with my mouth must munch my food,
Even as the monster in the wood,
And yet, dear heart, my lips to thine
Have clung in ecstasies divine!

I feel my ribs like prison-bars,
And still, I comprehend the stars;
Through the white mas'nry of my bones
A sleepless spirit stalks and groans!

This pulsing heart is all afire
With passion and with wild desire,
And still, I turn dim yearning eyes
Thrice daily to the unanswering skies,

I have in me to burn and slay—
And yet a little child will lay
Its soft warm cheek upon my cheek,
And I, as it, am mild and meek!