those powers of legerdemain, or pretended magic, with which some men are gifted."
"Go on," returned the Dey.
"Well, one day the shoemaker offered to amuse the Sultan by mesmerizing his guards."
"Mesmerizing!" interrupted the Dey, "what is that?"
"Throwing them into a sleep, your highness, against their will."
"Well, the Sultan did not believe him, so he said, 'If thou shalt put these guards into sleep against their wills, I will give thee my daughter in marriage.' The shoemaker was well pleased to hear this, for the Sultan's daughter was virtuous and very beautiful. So he begged the Sultan to order in his guards, which he did. Drawing them up in a line, the man began at the first, and made the passes or signs which are necessary to throw men into the mesmeric state. The first man winked very much, and smiled a little, but did not fall asleep.
"'Ha!' cried the Sultan, on seeing this, 'thou art deceiving me, it seems!'
"'Not so, your highness,' replied the shoemaker; 'it is not every man who can be thus subdued. Permit me to go on, and I will find one who is susceptible.'
"So the shoemaker went on and made the passes