Page:Ballou - Practical Christian Socialism.djvu/18

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the settlement of its Domain, in the Spring of 1842, very small in numbers and pecuniary resources. Its disadvantages were so multiform and obvious, that most Associationists of that period regarded it as little better than a desperate undertaking—alike contracted in its social platform, its funds, and other fundamental requisites of success. Yet it has lived and flourished, while its supposed superiors have nearly all perished. Such was the will of God; such his promise to its founders; such their trust in him; such the realization of their hopes; and such the recompense of their persevering toils. And such is the benignant Providence which will bear The Practical Christian Republic onward through all its struggles to the actualization of its sublime destiny. Its citizens “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” Therefore will all things needful be added unto them. Let the future demonstrate whether such a faith and such expectations are the dreams of a shallow visionary, or the divinely inspired, well-grounded assurances of a rightly balanced religious mind.

But the author will not be further tedious in his Preface. To all who are willing to read this Volume with candor and care, he respectfully commends it. He long contemplated its execution, and has been enabled at length to complete it. He has done so with a good degree of self-satisfaction, with devout gratitude to God for his assistance, with the pleasant consciousness of having discharged faithfully a great duty, and with the cheering assurance that it will exert a regenerating influence on mankind.

Go then, faithful Volume, to thy task. Thou art sent forth on an arduous and responsible mission; but thou goest not forth unprepared. Thy loins are girded about with truth. The breast-plate of righteousness covers thy bosom. Thy