Page:Banks of the Ban.pdf/7

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When Fate gives intimation,
that my last hour is nigh.
With placid resignation
I’ll lay me down and die;
Fond hope my bosom cheering,
that I in heav’n shall see
The lovely Maid of Erin,
who sweetly snng to me.



As I came o’er the Highland hills,
to a farmer’s house I came;
The night being dark, and something wet
I ventur’d into the same.
Where I was kindly treated,
and a pretty lass I spied,
Who ask’d me if I had a wife?
but marriage i denied.

I courted her the li’e-lang night,
till near the dawn of day,
When frankly she to me did say,
alang with you I’ll gae;
For Ireland is a fine country,
and the Scots to you are kin;
So I will gang alang with you,

my fortune to begin.