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With Shenkin, or Morgan, or Louſman, or Teague,
We into no covenant enter, or league,
And therefore a jolly bold beggar I'll be,
For none lead a life ſo jovial as he.

For ſuch pretty pledges, as ſhirts from the hedges,
We never do fear being drawn upon fledges,
Yet ſometimes the whip does make us to ſkip,
And then we from tithing to tithing do trip:
But when in a poor boozing-ken we do bib it,
We are more afraid of the ſtocks than the gibbet;
And if from the ſtocks we keep out our feet,
We fear not the Compter, Kings-bench or the Fleet.

Sometimes we frame ourſelves to be lame,
And when a coach comes, we hop to our game:
We ſeldom miſcarry, or ever do marry,
By Gown, common prayer, or Clerk Directory:
They laugh, and they kiſs, & they ly down together,
Like pigs in the peaſe, intangled they lie,
And there they begot ſuch a beggar as I.


To its own proper Tune.

Contented I am, and contented I'll be,
for what can this world more afford,
Than a girl that will ſociably fit on my knee,
and a cellar that’s very well ſtor'd my brave boys,
and a cellar that’s very well ſtor'd.

My vault door is open, deſcend every gueſt,
broach that caſk, aye, that wine we will try:
'Tis as ſweet as the lips of your love to the taſte,
and as bright as her cheek to the eye.

In a piece of ſlit hoop I my candle have ſtuck
it will light us (illegible text)ach bottle to hand,
The foot of my glaſs for the purpoſe is broke,
for I hate that a bumper ſhould ſtand.