Page:Barbour--Joan of the ilsand.djvu/81

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Seas. Keith's confidences were less frank, possibly, but he, too, found pleasure in recalling old days. When, shortly before midnight, they said good night, it seemed to Keith that the pressure of her firm brown fingers vas a little more kindly and he went to sleep strangely contented in the certain knowledge that the evening had established between them a new and closer sympathy.

When he awoke, just after sunrise, it was with the feeling that life was bigger and finer than ever before, and when, having jumped blithely from bed, he strode to the window and sent his gaze abroad over the world he nodded slowly in hearty approval of nature and all her works. But an instant later his smiling regard changed quickly to concern, for there, just beyond the low purple smudge that was the reef, her masts bare against the eastern sky, lay Moniz's schooner.