Page:Barbour--Lost island.djvu/171

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harbor?" said a voice at Dave's shoulder. It was Captain Phelps who spoke.

"It's great, sir," the Junior deck-hand replied.

"It is," said the skipper; "but don't you say that to a Melbourne man. They have no harbor to speak of at Melbourne, and the two places are powerfully jealous of one another. Sydney folk always start a conversation with a stranger by saying 'Have you seen our harbor?' and if it happens to be a Melbourne man they 're talking to, he says, 'Nature made your harbor—why don't you build a decent town on it?' All the same, there's many a time I 've been thankful enough, when running before a snorter, to creep into this refuge, and I dare say the time will come when you 'll do the same after you get command. How are you getting on with your studies, eh? You 've a lot to learn before you can hold a master's certificate, you know."

Dave had kept up his reading until his books were lost on the Kingfisher, and he received a