Page:Barbour--Lost island.djvu/182

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life," he went on, "and that's the very first time I 've been overboard. Wait till I climb on board the "Mary Ellen", and I 'll fire every soul there is on her!"

Two or three faces had appeared over the rail of the tug, but the threat did not seem to create any dismay.

"You lubbers!" exclaimed the fat man, shaking his fist at the faces. "Are ye all fast asleep, or is it that ye don't care if your old skipper goes to Davy Jones's locker? I 'll have ye remember that besides being skipper I'm part owner of this packet, and I 'll fire every man Jack of ye for leaving it to a baby in long clothes to pull me out."

"We didn't hear nothing, Cap'n. We was all down below," said a voice.

"Well, youngster," said the corpulent skipper amiably, having apparently forgotten his wrath, "I 've got an account to settle with you and your friend. Cap'n Grummitt isn't hauled out of a dock every day of his life. What can I do for ye,