Page:Barbour--Lost island.djvu/213

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copra, the last of which had just been put into the hold, when the chattering developed into a howl, and there were signs of an ugly rush.

Scenting danger, Captain Peters gave a quick signal for the anchor to be heaved.

"Push off those canoes there," he ordered quietly, at the same time producing a small revolver from his hip pocket. "Hi, you, Johnson," he added to one of the men who had seized a marline spike and assumed a threatening attitude, "if you hit one of those chaps I 'll put you under arrest. Remember some other boat is coming here some day, and if we have a rumpus now they 'll get ready for regular trouble next time." The propeller was revolving, and the Manihiki was slowly sliding away from her anchorage. "A bargain is a bargain, you squint-eyed lump of mahogany," the captain went on, leaning over the side and hurling his words at the chief, who was brandishing his arms, "even if it is between a gentleman in command of a first-class trading