Page:Barbour--Lost island.djvu/248

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ance proved of the utmost value. Like most other men who have lived in a semi-wild state, his hearing was extraordinarily acute.

"I'll get um li'le pig," he said once when they had tried several times to make a capture and failed utterly.

"What are you going to do?" asked Tempest. "Make a noise like a sweet potato and bang 'em on the head while they 're standing still trying to scent it?"

Jim did not deign to make any reply, but occupied himself during the greater part of the next few days in making a number of strong nets from twine, each about five feet square, with small lengths of twine attached to the corners. While this operation was in progress the other two, considerably mystified, submitted the Kanaka to good natured joking.

"I know," said Dave, "he's going to fish for them."

"Great," commented Tempest. "I hear that