Page:Barbour--Lost island.djvu/343

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"Good enough," said Tempest. "Now, Joe Flaggy we 'll just see a little further into this matter. I 'll have a word with you if it kills me."

He brought the boat round and she moved once more towards the wreck. There was no sign of any human being ashore. The Nautilus ran another hundred yards without interruption before the crack of another shot rang out, and there was a splash sixty feet ahead of them.

"Keep your heads ducked well down, boys," said Tempest. "He could n't shoot a haystack in a passage. If only we can get ashore we may be all right."

They were twenty yards from the beach when a bullet crashed through the side of the Nautilus just above her water line, and grazed Jim's leg.

At the same moment the form of Joe Flagg emerged from the trees. Holding his rifle up menacingly he advanced to meet the incoming boat.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Flagg," greeted Temp-