Page:Barbour--Lost island.djvu/357

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the rain. You will remember it as long as you live. 'Pon my word, I believe it's getting a shade lighter! Don't you think so, Jim?"

"See to go ahead bimeby p'raps," the Kanaka responded. "Rain stop pretty soon."

As a weather-prophet, Jim was a wonder. Sure enough, the rain did ease off about half an hour later, and a pale light showed from a hazy moon. Tempest, however, could not make out much of their position, as they were hemmed in with trees.

"Goodness only knows how we got here," he said. "Jim, do you think you could nose around a bit and try to spot where that blessed hill is?"

Without a word the Kanaka disappeared, nor did he return for some time. Dave was beginning to wonder whether the man had got lost, and was on the point of suggesting that they should give a call to him, when Jim reappeared as silently as he had gone. The moon was growing more distinct every moment now.