Page:Barbour--Lost island.djvu/409

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"Gosh! That's funny!" the boy exclaimed, looking round at his friend as he lifted out the sand on the shovel. "Tempest, do you suppose—"

"Rock, I expect," said Tempest, not waiting a second, however, before he too had his shovel at work on the same spot.

"Rock be hanged!" shouted Dave, a moment later, as the unmistakable sound of metal striking metal reached their ears. "Tempest, it can't be—it can't be—"

"Can't it, though!" replied Tempest, joyously. "It's a metal-bound box, or my name's Joe Flagg. Now don't get so excited. Wait a minute till we get it out."

Dave was excited, however—wildly excited. He and Tempest fell on their knees and tugged at the box, but its weight was considerable, and they could not lift it out until Jim gave them a hand. It was a small chest made of oak or some other