Page:Barbour--Lost island.djvu/411

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burial in the sand, shone as brightly as when placed there years before by the man who had mined and molded them.

Tempest laughed at the Kanaka's comical expression of disappointment He had evidently expected something much more exciting. Dave stooped and took one of the small bars in his hand with a curious thrill.

"You don't suppose it's just—just lead or something like that?" he asked anxiously. "It's frightfully heavy!"

"It would be," answered Tempest, striving to keep the excitement from his voice. "It's platinum all right, and it's worth a fortune, Dave."

"A fortune!" repeated the boy, gazing down in awe at the serried rows of silvery bars. "Yes, it must be, for it's worth more than a hundred dollars an ounce. Tempest, we—we're rich!"

"You are," said Tempest. "All I'll accept is that five thousand for my little farm in Carolina.