Page:Barbour--Peggy in the rain.djvu/251

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instant, choking in the acrid fumes, and in that instant she pulled back toward the room.

"Wait," she whispered.

He let her go, groping for the door and closing it again. On the floor lay a sheet of paper. She picked it up and thrust it toward him.

"Take it," she said.

He crumpled it into a pocket and, throwing his arm about her again faced the door.

"Can we get out?" she whispered almost calmly.

"We must!" he answered. "Don't think I've found you again only to lose you, Peggy."

"Well——" She raised her face, a little smile trembling about her mouth. He bent and kissed her.

"Peggy!" he murmured with a sob. Then, "God, we must get out of here!" he cried, and pulled the door open. Again the smoke leaped upon them as, closing his eyes, he groped his way along the hall. He searched for his handkerchief, but only a sheet of crumpled paper came from his pocket, and he held that against his nose as they came to the top of the stairs. Down they went. Once she fell, but his arm saved her, and