Page:Barbour--cupid en route.djvu/175

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cern "Oh I'm so sorry, really! It was all my fault. But you oughtn't to have paid any attention to what I said. I didn't mean that you were to—to freeze to death, Mr. Forbes!"

"But it's of no consequence, really, Miss Burnett. I was quite warm until a short while ago. And I'm warm again already. No, please!"

For Prue had seized her coat and was coming toward him determinedly.

"You must put this on," she declared. "Just around your shoulders, Mr. Forbes. Oh, but you must, really! If you should catch cold I'd never forgive myself for being so mean and disagreeable."

"You weren't," declared Wade as he drew the coat around his shivering body.

"I was; absolutely hateful. But I'm sorry. There, that's better, isn't it? Didn't you have any gloves, either?"

Wade shook his head smilingly.

"No, you see I—I left hurriedly; had no time to pack."