Page:Barbour--cupid en route.djvu/177

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"But why—No, I don't mean why—"

"I guess you know why," he said. "Because ever since I first saw you there at the opera house—"

"Please, Mr. Forbes!"

"Oh, I suppose this isn't the time not the place to tell you this," he hurried on, "but I'm going back in the morning and I guess I shan't see you again. So—so I've just got to."

"Going back?" she interrupted. "Why I thought you were on your way to Quebec."

"I was. I was going where you went. But I was acting like an idiot. You see, Miss Burnett, you—you sort of knocked me in a heap. That first moment. After that I never had any other thought than just to find you again and—and keep after you until—" He shook his shoulders impatiently and the fur coat slid to the floor unnoticed. "I've read about love at first sight, but I never believed in it until that night. Then I knew—there was such a thing. Look here, maybe this is all wrong