Page:Barbour--cupid en route.djvu/35

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"These are great quarters we've got here, boy, he said. "How much did you say they was costin' us?"

"Twenty-six a day," answered Wade, seating himself on a couch and drawing his glass toward him. "About thirty-two times what I used to pay for my room in Telluride, Dave."

"Times have changed, Wade. I never thought two years ago I'd ever be doin' this." He sighed luxuriously, stretched his long legs until the pajamas strained and waved his cigar in a gesture that included everything from the thick, red carpet to the bric-a-brac on the mantel.

"Neither did I," said Wade. "Not when I was pushing a shovel for three dollars a day."

"That's right. Funny the way things happen, ain't it? If you hadn't dropped that drunken greaser just when you did that night in Flannerty's it'd been all up with me, I reckon." Dave chuckled, "I won't never forget the way he hit the wall; thought