Page:Barbour--cupid en route.djvu/82

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went on from Boston tonight his chance of finding them was pretty slim. But the chance was there and he would take it. To remain in New York until New Year's and await her return was out of the question, and it might be that in Boston luck would favor him again and he could discover her destination. At the hotel he opened trunk and bag, and packed the latter with clothes for a fortnight's journey. The trunk he sent to the porter's room, directing that it be held there until he sent for it. By that time it was barely two o'clock, but he didn't intend taking any risks and so had himself and bag taken to the station. For three-quarters of an hour he paced the train-shed, smoking and weighing his chances. Finally he rescued his bag from the check-room, purchased a pathfinder and some magazines and found his place in the parlor car.

The pathfinder increased his despondency. The train she had gone on was due in Boston at six, and between that hour and the time when his own train was due she