Author’s Notes.
"June, 1895.
"At my home, 391 Bouck Avenue, Buffalo, May 1st, 1895, was begun Barham Beach. It was not written quite with the headlong speed of its predecessors, the first rough draft not being completed till June 10th. The first and only MS. was finished June 20th at The Nest, Mrs. Lavinia M. Oberst s cottage at Crystal Beach, Canada, and was the next day sent over to the city for the inspection of Mr. William Melntosh, Editor of the Evening News, who is our valued friend and adviser. The poem contains 1,998 lines in nineteen parts; no two consecutive parts are in the same form or meter. The writing of Barham Beach was through out an unmixed delight."
April, 1908.
During the thirteen years which have elapsed since the following pages were written, they were preserved in the Erie County Savings Bank, Buffalo, N. Y., and in the First National Bank of Caledonia, Livingston County, New York, at the home of Francis and Eliza Blakeslee.