( Here foloweth of Balaam the Hermẏte.
BALAAM of whome ſaynt Johan damaſcene made the hyſtorye with grete dyligence / In whome deuyne grace ſo wroughte that he conuerted to the feythe ſaynt Joſaphat/ & thenne as al ynde was ful of cryſten peple & of monkes/ ther aroos a puyſſaunt kyng wiche was named anemyr whiche made grete perſecucion to criſten men & ſpecyally to monkes / & it happed ſo that one whiche was frende of the kynge & chyef in his paleys / by the Inſpiracion of deuyne grace lefte the halle ryal/ for to entre in to the ordre of monkes / & whan the kyng herd ſay that he was criſten he was wode for angre / and dyd ſo feche hym thorugh euery deſerte til that he was foūde with grete payne/ and thenne he was brought tofore hym / & whan he ſawe hym in a vyle cote & moche lene for hongre/ whyche was wonte to be couerd with precious clothynge and habounded in moche richeſſe & ſayd to hym o thou fole & out of thy mynde/ why haſt thou chaunged