Onsidering the way in which his name has been associated with that of Shakespeare; it is a strange thing that the present should be the first public reprint of Barnfield's Poems ever made.
During this century, as will be seen from the Bibliography at p. vii., several limited editions (chiefly of some 16, 35, 40, or 50 copies each) have been produced of one or other of his three Collections of Poems: all the copies of all which impressions would barely number 400; and being for the most part privately printed, they are not now obtainable for either love or money. And, even if they were obtainable, it would be found that some of their texts were intentionally imperfect.
Dr. Grosart's edition of 1876 is notable, among other things, as being the first collected edition put forth, either by Barnfield or any one else, of these Poems.
He confused ignorance prevailing respecting Barnfield's life before Dr. Grosart's researches recovered the registries of his birth and death with a copy of his Will, may be seen in so recent a Work, as the last edition of T. Warton's History of English Poetry, iv. 290, 436-440. Ed. 1871.
It may therefore be desirable to give here, the few undoubted facts that are, at present, known about him.
The Rev. T. Burne, M.A., Rector of Norbury, near Newport, Shropshire, has most obligingly verified the following entries in the Register of that parish:—
1. Of the marriage of our Poet's parents.
Richardus Barnefield et Maria Skrimsher matri. contraxere Aprillis xvi. [1572].
2. Of our Poet's birth.
Ricardus Barnefield baptizatus fuit die mensis [June] xiii. 1574.