Page:Baron Trump's marvellous underground journey.pdf/45

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"Hearken, little master," whispered Yuliana; such was the name of the old woman who had taken care of me, "thou art not what thou seemst. I never saw the like of thee before. If thou wouldst, I believe thou couldst tell me how high the sky is, how thick through the mountains are, and how deep the Giants' Well is."

I smiled, and then I said,—

"Didst ever drink from the Giants' Well, Yuliana?"

At which she wagged her head and sent forth a low chuckle.

"Hearken, little master," she then whispered, coming close to me, and holding up one of her long, bony fingers, "thou canst not trick me—thou knowest that the Giants' Well hath no bottom."

"No bottom?" I repeated breathlessly, as Don Fum's mysterious words, "The people will tell thee!" flashed through my mind. "No bottom, Yuliana?"

"Not unless thine eyes are better than mine, little master," she murmured, nodding her head slowly.

"Listen, Yuliana," I burst out impetuously, "where is this bottomless well? Thou shalt lead me to it; I must see it. Come, let's start at once. Thou shalt be well paid for thy pains."

"Nay, nay, little master, not so fast," she replied.

"It's far up the mountains. The way is steep and rugged, the paths are narrow and winding, a false step might mean instant death, were there not some strong hand to save thee. Give up such a mad thought as ever getting there, except it be on the stout shoulders of some mountaineer."

"Ah, good woman," was my reply, "thou hast just said that I am not what I seem, and thou saidst truly. Know, then, thou seest before thee the world-renowned traveller, Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastian von Troomp, commonly called 'Little Baron Trump,' that though short of stature and frail of limb, yet what there is of me is of iron. There, Yuliana, there's gold for thee; now lead the way to the Giants' Well."