Page:Base-ball ballads (IA baseballballads00rice).pdf/88

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Get in the game! Smoke up, old scout!
We've got to win this scrap to-day.
Take any chance, for two are out;
Get on your toes and watch the play.
Three balls—wow! wow! I guess he walks.
Come back, come back; you ain't so lame.
Say there, you thickhead; watch them balks,
Get in the game; get in the game!

Get in the game, there—at the bat.
Just pick out one that suits your eye.
I guess those benders don't look fat.
Don't let a strike like that go by!
Just watch 'em over—make 'em ride.
A hit! A hit! It's all the same,
You'll beat it; slide, you lobster, slide!
Get in the game, get in the game!

Get in the game, no matter which,
Nor where, nor when, nor who you are.
The slogan rings at lofty pitch
From inland town to harbor bar,
From lowly surf to ruling kings,
If you would carve a laureled name,
The distaff of the epoch sings:
"Get in the game! Get in the game!"