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Bat Wing
“Blinga chit flom lilly missee,” he said, and held the note toward me.
I hesitated, glaring at him in a way that must have been very unpleasant; but recovering myself I tore open the envelope, and read the following note, written in pencil and very shakily:
Mr. Knox.
Please forgive him. If you knew what we have suffered from Señor Don Juan Menendez, I know you would forgive him. Please, for my sake.
Ysola Camber.
The Chinaman was watching me, that strangely pathetic expression in his eyes, and:
“Tell your mistress that I quite understand and will write to her,” I said.
“Hoi, hoi.”
Ah Tsong turned, and ran swiftly off, as I pursued my way back to Cray’s Folly in a mood which I shall not attempt to describe.