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the obtaining of the membership list and the listing of contributors is merely to aid in determining the matter of tax status. The NAACP is not being required to furnish any information other than that which is required of all other organizations seeking immunity from the payment of an occupation tax. The record here shows that the information required by the ordinances involved was required of all organizations claiming tax exemption; and the information was furnished by all of the requested organizations except the NAACP.

In Arkansas, municipalities are creatures of the State and have the powers which the State gives them. (Eagle v. Beard, 33 Ark. 497; City of Hot Springs v. Gray, 215 Ark. 243, 219 S.W.2d 930.) By Act No. 294 of 1937 (now found in § 19-4601 et seq. Ark. Stats.) the Arkansas Legislature authorized municipalities to enact ordinances levying an occupation tax. This was a revenue measure. In Talley v. Blytheville, 204 Ark. 745, 164 S.W.2d 900, we held that this act of 1937 was authority for cities to enact occupation tax ordinances as revenue producing measures. Our subsequent cases have followed that holding. In 1947 the City of Little Rock passed its ordinance No. 7444, captioned, "An Ordinance Establishing an Annual Privilege License Tax for Various Businesses, Occupations, and Professions within the City of Little Rock Providing for the Amount Thereof . . ." This ordinance has been amended numerous times by changing the amount to be charged various businesses and professions and adding other businesses and professions as subjects of taxation.

On November 22, 1948 the City of Little Rock passed its Ordinance No. 7809, entitled, "An Ordinance Relieving Charitable Institutions from the payment of Privilege Taxes to the City of Little Rock, Amending Ordinance No. 7444, and For Other Purposes".[1] Thus, by the

  1. The entire text of this Ordinance is as follows: "WHEREAS, There are certain charitable institutions in the City of Little Rock which engage in the business of manufacturing, and selling, or other lines of endeavor in order to raise funds for charitable purposes such as the assistance of the needy, and the care and education of the crippled and the blind, and "WHEREAS, These institutions are performing in an unselfish manner a service to the community and Are rendering untold aid and comfort to persons who are physically handicapped, and "WHEREAS, It is believed to be in the best interest of the City and the people of the City of Little Rock to foster and promote such activity on the part of these institutions, "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: "SECTION 1. Each charitable, eleemosynary, non-profit organization whose purpose is to assist the needy and bring care, training and comfort to the physically handicapped, is hereby exempt from the payment of a privilege tax for the privilege of carrying on such business or occupation within the City of Little Rock. "SECTION 2. Ordinance No. 7444 is hereby amended to conform to the provisions of this ordinance.

    "SECTION 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed."